Video Presentation

For the video presentation, we have divided each part of the CID project steps and distributed them evenly according to the work that the members have been working on since the beginning of the work. Meaning that each of the groups must do a video presentation on the step that they have worked on and the team leader has to make sure that each of the members are doing their work according to what has been planned and discussed among the group members.

About the method to do the video recording of the CID project, we have decided that each member can record their own video and pass it to the person who is in charge of compiling all of the videos into a single video. Each member also has the can freely record their video using G-meet, MS Team, OBS or any platform that can be used to record and each of the member videos must be 5 minutes maximum.

In conclusion, the video presentation will begin with Syamsul who will be presenting the introduction and step 1. After that, Ariff will be presenting the step 2 part and Aiman will be in charge of the next part which is step 3. Then, Anas and Syahmi will present step 4 and decide on which area part they will do. Lastly, Syuhadah will be presenting step 5 of the CID project to complete the video presentation.





Introduction & Step 1

Syamsul Bukhari Bin Azizul


Step 2

Ariff Bin Nordin


Step 3

Aiman Firdaus Bin Shaharuddin


Step 4

Kahirul Anas Bin Asali

Muhammad Syahmi Bin Shaari


Step 5

Siti Nursyuhadah Binti Matnuddin