Decision Making: Identify Possible Solution And Interview With Experts

These are the question that been given to the interviewee: -

1. How is the performance of students while studying in online and face-to-face

2. What are the skills of teachers or students in using digital technology?

3. What is the mentality of students/teachers/parents

4. What about students who face internet network problems or no network. What is the action of the school?

5. Does this online learning system interfere @ affect adequate sleep time for school children?

6. Can students focus on online classes completely? If not, how to keep students to stay focused while teaching?

7. Are students more motivated to learn or not?

8. Does online teaching make it easier for teachers to impart knowledge or vice versa?

9. Is the cost of teaching online more expensive than face-to-face?

10. Do you often receive questions from students when doing question and answer sessions with students online instead of face-to-face?

Interview Summary

On 7th June 2022, Our group made an interview session with Madam Paini@Ruminah Binti Paimin, who is a primary school teacher from SK Tambalang, Tuaran, Sabah.  As The interviewee said, from her perspective, she felt about online learning was a bit less satisfying than the face-to-face session because when doing online classes, the teacher could not assess the student spontaneously. The same goes for the facial reactions of the students to find out whether they understand or not.

When using technology, at first there was a bit less skilled in the use of electronic devices such as laptops and smartphones. But with the guidance that has been provided by the school and guidance from fellow teachers. She can slowly get used to using the technology. In addition, teachers must be willing to reinforce their mentality to keep moving forwards.

Internet connection also become 1st problem when we are doing an online class with the rural area some of them couldn’t archive an internet connection and some of them got no line or signal this makes some of the students can be left behind teacher also have difficulties of contacting the student from a rural area. So, the only solution to this is from their own parents itself need an extra effort to give their children of what they need, and the second option is to have a face-to-face class.

From the survey that we are conducting some of the parents, many parents disagree with an online class system the feedback also shows a negative effect on online classes.


Pandemic Challenge

Endemic Challenge



Learning performance 

Need to follow every SOP regulation that’ve been given

Always follow the learning steps that have been given by school and the government


Using technology


Get a guidance from family or friends who is more knowledgeable




Always put a mindset that prepare any worst scenario


Sleep quality


Need to stop procrastinate  and give effort to finish the work early


Lost Motivation


Enforced parents to motivate their children on learning online classes 









Advantages and disadvantages of the Solution




Make a good content to attract student interest

Students get more focus on learning

Must give more effort on doing it

Make a time duration for student assessment submission

Student has enough sleep time

Took more time to mark the answer

Always follow the learning steps that have been given by the school

PDP went smoothly

Students get tired much more easily because they need to pay more attention


Get a guidance from family or friends who is more knowledgeable

Learn new things

Not all family know about the knowledge

Reschedule their children working time

Gain student sleep quality

 If the schedule are too flexible it may make the student get lazy

Parents needs to give motivation to their children

 Children feels more confident

 Children get to feel more pressure

Get a scholarship to less burden

Can get electronic devices for learning

Not all can get scholarship


In conclusion, getting the full attention of school students, especially in primary school is not easy so we choose the best solution which is making the content more attractive the more attractive the slide or teaching material the more interested student with it, we chose this method because a student at this age needs to be active and focus so with the solution, we choose has an effect of lifting up student interest to learn.

The reason we choose the solution is we need to make the student in primary school interested in teaching content, so this also takes a great effort from the teacher to make the colourful content or something to make the content look good. This solution also depends on both sides of things teachers need extra effort and students need to have an extra focus on the teacher.