Identify Problems And Problem Analysis

What are Pandemic and Endemic of Covid-19?

Before we even begin with our main topic, first we need to know what is Pandemic and also Endemic. We start with Pandemic, also used as a noun meaning "a pandemic disease". The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also defined a pandemic as "a worldwide spread of a new disease" and in March of 2020, the WHO officially declared the Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic because of the global spread and severity of the virus.

According to the WHO, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified and is now known as the Covid-19. The first cases of Covid-19 in Malaysia were imported cases which has been confirmed on January 25, 2020. Ever since that, the Covid-19 spread wildly and fast which cause a lot of death until Lockdown was announced for the safety of Malaysian citizens.

After what has been thought over the past years, we almost come to the Endemic phase where we can live as normal as we used to be. Endemic can also mean natural to, native to, confined to, or widespread within a place or population of people. 


Who is affected by the Pandemic and Endemic of Covid-19?

The covid-19 pandemic has affected many things from our social life, economy, education and many more. From the education perspective, who is affected by the Pandemic and Endemic of Covid-19? Well, we all can already figure out that students and teachers are affected by it because school has been shut down during the pandemic. 

In the first few weeks of the outbreak that happened in Malaysia, there is no time to think about education because the government are busy dealing with the pandemic. After the government have handled the outbreak, they can focus back on the education system and other things by applying a new Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to prevent Covid-19 from spreading and there the government have introduced the education system with an online studies method and face-to-face with SOP.


Why are Pandemic and Endemic involved in online studies and face-to-face?

Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, a lot of things have changed and the education system also cannot avoid it. Schools all across the world have to be shut down as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. To maintain the education system in the country, the government manage to solve it by doing Online learning. The student can stay at home to study with their teacher online using online class platforms such as Google Meet. It is convenient but it also has advantages and disadvantages. A lot of the study or the teachers are still not used to it and would rather do a face-to-face method and hope the Endemic will come much sooner.


How challenging are online studies and face-to-face during Pandemics and Endemic of Covid-19?

As time goes by, there are many peoples that are saying that doing everything online is hard and stressful, especially for students and teachers. Many students and teachers struggle to cope with the online classic because of the personal problem they are facing such as the internet problem, students getting distracted, students cannot understand, and many more. There are a lot of feelings that have been expressed by the student parent, teachers students on social media such as Youtube, Facebook and many more saying that online classes during pandemics are difficult and not easy.

Now that we are heading to Endemic and face-to-face has been conducted but with SOP slowly, the student may improve their knowledge on learning without fewer problems and the teacher can teach their student with much ease but the Covid-19 problem still cannot be avoided which make the face-to-face studies difficult.


Identify Problems

What main situation or issue or problem is behind the topic?

The main situation or issue or problem is some of the students might need a face-to-face study in order to understand the topic to learn quickly, and some of the students might need to practice doing something because that is how they learn. We need to focus on primary students because this stage is where they need to learn many new things in schools such as learning how to do maths, English literature and other stuff.  Internet connection is also the main problem of online study because most students do have internet connection but not all of the students do, so some of the students might be left behind.

Problem Analysis

Analyse the situation or issues from a different perspective to identify the main problem

Some of the students need a face-to-face study to understand what they have been taught and some of the students can understand what is been taught by online classes but not all students can cope with the situation. The main problem is that the student that was left behind is the one we need to focus on. Furthermore, parents also need to understand of giving what their children need in order to help them to study through the endemic and pandemic. 

Therefore, students also need to have a mindset where they need to focus and do whatever so they can understand what the teacher is teaching given that when online, the teacher has no control over what the students are doing when teaching is in progress. The teacher also needs to have a strategy on how to cope with this situation on how to know if the student is doing or listening or understanding the subject that they are learning through the pandemic and endemic as we know that primary school is a little bit hard to handle.



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Ballard, J. (2022, January 19). From Pandemic to Endemic: Emerging Educational Issues. Retrieved from University of Denver:

Friedman, J. (2020, May 4). Tackle Challenges of Online Classes Due to COVID-19. Retrieved from U.S. News & World Report L.P.:

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